MS Diagnosis Journey
MS Diagnosis Journey
Cassie Martin on Trying to Find The Right Words
When Cassie Martin noticed sensations of tingling and numbness, she initially put it down to being in Wisconsin in the fall. But a feeling like a buzzer, running from her head to her feet, eventually led Cassie to Doctor Google who told her all about Lhermitte’s Sign, a possible symptom of Multiple Sclerosis.
In this interview, Cassie says that her diagnosis came about fairly quickly. But this was only because she took her initial symptoms to her primary care physician (PCP) as soon as possible. It can be hard to express what you're going through but getting to an expert early can provide you with answers.
Read Lhermitte’s Sign in MS: What It Is & How To Treat It (WebMD)
Interview by Laura Kolaczkowski
Edited by Steve Woodward at The Podcasting Editor
Podcast artwork by Jackie Zimmerman at Queen of GSD
Background Music is “Old Photos” by Olexy
Support of this project is made possible through the generosity of Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson.