MS Diagnosis Journey

Linda Kanner: "This Is A Sneaky Disease"

Episode 35

Linda Kanner was diagnosed with MS in 2007. She had an awareness of the disease through an Uncle, but her official diagnosis still took twenty years after first presenting symptoms to a medical professional. 

Shortly after this, Linda became a member of the board of The Accelerated Cure Project for MS. She also now serves on the iConquerMS Governing Board.

In this interview, Linda recounts her first symptoms and how, despite MS being the "definitive sickness" in her family, it still took her a while to recognize these symptoms for what they were. She also reminds patients that no one is more expert in their bodies than they are - so if you're going through your own diagnosis journey keep going until you get an answer.

Visit iConquerMS
Visit the Accelerated Cure Project

Interview by Laura Kolaczkowski
Edited by Steve Woodward at The Podcasting Editor
Podcast artwork by Jackie Zimmerman at Queen of GSD
Background Music is “Old Photos” by Olexy 

Support of this project is made possible through the generosity of Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson.