MS Diagnosis Journey
MS Diagnosis Journey
Robbie Gillett: A Warrior Beneath The Tracksuit
Robbie Gillett was at work when he became unable to move when he was installing a kitchen unit. He was convinced that he was dying or having a stroke but the doctors who saw him initially thought he had Clinically Isolated Syndrome (CIS). However, it soon became clear that his MS diagnosis journey had begun.
As a way to process his new reality, Robbie began writing poetry, which has now been published in his first collection, Thoughts of a Warrior: Beneath the Tracksuit.
In this interview, Robbie relates how he was actually diagnosed with MS twice and wrote his poetry collection on his phone while lying in bed. He also very kindly reads the first poem he ever wrote, "This Time".
Connect with Robbie on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook
Buy Robbie's book, Thoughts of a Warrior: Beneath the Tracksuit
Interview by Laura Kolaczkowski
Edited by Steve Woodward at The Podcasting Editor
Podcast artwork by Jackie Zimmerman at Queen of GSD
Background Music is “Old Photos” by Olexy
Support of this project is made possible through the generosity of Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson.