MS Diagnosis Journey
MS Diagnosis Journey
Veronica Daniels-Lewis and Listening To Your Inner Voice
Veronica Daniels-Lewis is a Multiple Sclerosis myth-buster! Firstly, she is a woman of color - and as we've learned before, some medical professionals still believe that MS is a white woman's disease. Secondly, her three pregnancies were all marked by symptoms that she now recognizes as being early presentations of MS, busting the myth that all women with MS see a reduction in disease activity when they're pregnant.
All of which goes to show that MS is a condition where what one person experiences is not necessarily the case for everyone.
In this interview, Veronica talks about her fight to get a diagnosis, her voluntary work for the National MS Society, and the fact that, when she was diagnosed in 1996, nobody thought that nutrition or exercise could play a part in managing MS - another myth that has been well and truly busted!
Read Still In Charge by Veronica Daniels-Lewis (Momentum Magazine)
Visit National MS Society
Interview by Laura Kolaczkowski
Edited by Steve Woodward at The Podcasting Editor
Podcast artwork by Jackie Zimmerman at Queen of GSD
Background Music is “Old Photos” by Olexy
Support of this project is made possible through the generosity of Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson.